Katie Delimon

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The Ultimate Manifesting Tip

Do you ever find yourself daydreaming about the life you desire? Perhaps you envision a successful career, fulfilling relationships, or optimal health. While it's easy to get lost in these fantasies, what if I told you that you possess the power to turn these dreams into reality through the art of manifesting?


Manifesting is more than just wishful thinking; it's a practice deeply rooted in the belief that your thoughts and energy can shape your external world. If you read my memoir, Trust the Flames, you will know that I strongly believe in manifesting or the ability to turn dreams into reality. How do you think that book got published and debuted #6 on Amazon’s Hot New Memoirs next to Prince Harry? I manifested it! 


Even the Buddha believed in manifesting 2,500 years ago when he said “What you think you become. What you feel you attract and what you imagine, you create.”


What is Manifesting?

At its core, manifestation is about mindfully aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the reality you desire. It's the art of co-creating with the universe, harnessing the boundless potential within and around you.

I hope I didn’t lose you when I said “Universe.” I promise there is science behind manifesting – it’s called The Law of Cause and Effect or the principle that everything has a cause.

You manifest what you believe, you manifest what you feel and you manifest the energy you bring forth so if you are not in alignment with the feelings, beliefs and energy of what you desire ...you will block your manifestations. 

This is why MINDFUL manifesting is so important because we are all manifesting 24/7 according to what we are thinking, doing and believing. So, if you want to unlock a potent force for intentional living, calling in more of what you want, it has to be done more mindfully. 

Mindful Manifesting 

I am so passionate about this subject that a few years ago I created a step-by-step program and workbook on Mindful Manifesting. It’s a three-hour workshop that will help you get crystal clear on your vision, design your destiny and trust the process along the way.

In Mindful Manifesting you will:

And best part, I am giving Mindful Manifesting away for FREE in this year’s Yoga Bundle. 👉 Details on The Yoga Bundle below. 👇

A Myth of Manifesting 

It's important to note that manifesting is not about sitting back and waiting for your dreams to magically materialise. It requires active participation, patience, and a willingness to trust in the process. Just as a gardener tends to their garden with care and patience, so too must you nurture your manifestations with belief and perseverance.

In recent years, manifestation has captured the imagination of people worldwide, from visualizations, affirmations, and countless techniques that promise to unlock some magical power. 

But, I’m here to tell you that YOU have all the magical power within you to turn your dreams into reality. If I can, anybody can, I am no more special than you are! 

Are you ready to become a Magical Mindful Manifestor? 

The Ultimate Manifesting Tip

Ask yourself is this thought, action or belief supporting the life I want?

The key is to be aligned with what it is you want - actions that are aligned with your intentions and feel right in your gut. Pay attention to your intuition and inner guidance, and take steps towards your goals with confidence and conviction. 

Manifesting is a journey, not a one-time event, be patient and let go of attachments. 

What is the Yoga Bundle?

A few times a year I participate in The Yoga Bundle which is a collection of 60+ ebooks, courses and guides from 55 different teachers that will sell for only $50. If bought separately, everything in the bundle would cost $6,671.82. What you’ll find in the bundle:

  • Yoga programs for all levels

  • Pilates classes for all levels

  • Home and outdoor workouts

  • Healthy food recipes

  • Smoothie & juicing recipes

  • Breathing workshops

  • Mobility exercises

  • Flexibility guides

  • Guided meditation classes

  • Energy healing classes

  • Manifestation workshops (like mine mentioned above) 

  • Advance asana courses

  • Self-love guides

  • Self-reflection guides

  • Fun yoga challenges

  • Women's health guides

  • Handstand courses

  • Contortion training 

  • Self-care activities

  • Feminine rituals

  • Menstrual cycle series

  • Chakra alignment programs

Once you purchase the bundle you’ll receive an email with a link and access code for the entire bundle. You’ll be able to download all the content.

Final thoughts

Manifesting is the process of bringing into reality our desires and intentions. It’s a reflection of who you are being. It’s about aligning our thoughts, emotions and actions with what we want to create in our lives. And when we combine this with mindfulness - the practice of being present and fully engaged in the moment - we unlock a potent force for intentional living.

By integrating mindfulness into manifesting, we tap into a deeper level of awareness and alignment with our true desires. We become conscious co-creators realise reality, actively shaping our lives by our highest aspirations. So, take a moment to pause, connect with your intentions, and embark on the journey of mindful manifesting. Your dreams are waiting to be realised.

If you want access to Mindful Manifesting - check out 👇 THE YOGA BUNDLE for only $50!