Katie Delimon

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How do you regulate the nervous system

I’ve been talking about regulating the nervous system since 2017 in my Yoga classes and Mindfulness Courses, so because The Guardian and Dr. Andrew Huberman are now talking about this topic, I couldn’t be happier with the mainstream-ness.

The Nervous System itself is a big topic, that is why I hosted a FREE 40-minute webinar last year, “Nervous System 101” - watch the replay here.

For today’s blog, I will focus on what nervous system regulation is, how to regulate your nervous system and simple tips for calming the nervous system. 


Regulating the nervous system is a scientific term for regulating stress. When you say you’re stressed what you are really saying is that your nervous system is dysregulated (something has triggered you) and when you don’t have effective tools to regulate the dysregulation, you cause more dysregulation. It’s that simple. 


Unfortunately, most are trying to regulate their nervous system with the exact same approach that made them dysregulated to begin with. The approach I’m talking about is STRESS, INCONSISTENCY and URGENCY.  


This is why so many give up or get stuck. 


You cannot bring the same sense of stress, inconsistency and urgency into regulating your nervous system and think you’re going to get different results. 


Look I get it, we live in an urgency, instant gratification, and very stressed-out culture. It’s a huge part of why many are unwell and struggling to get better. But if YOU want to create real change, YOU have to change your approach.


Nervous system regulation is about AWARENESS, SLOWING DOWN and being CONSISTENT. 


What’s the opposite of slowing down and consistency? A life that moves too quickly and inconsistently – a lifestyle that has caused you to be overstimulated, depleted and dysregulated? 


Sound familiar? 


What is nervous system regulation? 

Common misconception: Nervous system regulation is about being calm all the time.


Nervous system regulation is about building resilience or your ability to adapt so you are not overwhelmed when there is a change in your environment like a stressful situation. Animals are great at this, humans not so much. It’s a skill that requires a LOT of practice. (Sorry)


It is not something you do for a couple of months, check it off your list and move on. Regulation is the way you live, the way you think, the way you feel, the way you eat, the way you move, the way you breathe -it’s a way of life. 



How do you regulate the nervous system?

A regulated nervous system is crucial for optimal health but you can’t think your way to regulation, it’s an embodied practice that has to be done consistently. In my FREE webinar, Nervous System 101 I walk you through my 4 steps to Nervous System regulation. 


1.     Mind-body practices for calming 

2.     Creating safety in relationships and environments

3.     Self-regulation 

4.     Widening your window of tolerance


Today’s blog is about step 1. 

Nervous System regulation techniques for calming 


Here’s a list of ways to calm your nervous system and practice regularly: 


  • Long and slow exhales

  • Splash cold water on your face

  • Listening to music you like and can hum, sing or dance to 

  • Warm baths

  • Practicing Mindfulness

  • Fitting less into the day 

  • Funny movies (not reels or TikTok)

  • Walk in nature without your phone 

  • Petting animals

  • Single-tasking (avoiding multitasking)

  • Taking the day off of your phone 

  • More hugs

  • Stretching

  • Journal about what you’re navigating and how you can be more self-compassionate

  • Doing nothing – being bored more often

  • Taking days (or weeks) off of social media 

Awareness, slowness and consistency is key! 



Final thoughts

The nervous system is no longer a yogi woo woo concept. It is gaining more traction these days, even by the great Dr Andrew Hubberman the famous neuroscientist, who said:

“What we need to do is start to figure out, especially for the younger generation of kids, how to learn how to regulate the nervous system.”

“Until we can learn how to regulate the self, I don’t think we are going to get where we want to go as a culture.”

Nervous system regulation is about consistently slowing down so you can engage in practices that build awareness and resilience. Practices that will help you create a stronger foundation for the capacity to be with stress and pressure without getting anxious, overwhelmed, frantic, numb or shut down (dysregulated). 

If you start incorporating nervous system calming tips into your day consistently, your nervous system builds more capacity to recover faster. Your triggers become less intense which means you can spend more time on achieving your goals instead of regulating your stressors.

Confidence doesn’t come from comparison, it comes from regulation.