Katie Delimon

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I’m calling bullshit on New Year’s Resolutions: Your new guide to intention setting for 2024

A few years ago I was introduced to this Intention Setting ritual that I have now adopted as my own and I want to share it with you.

I’m calling it “One Intention”. So keep reading as this is your new guide to intention setting for the New Year. 

Instead of feeling like you need to accomplish twenty things this year, what IF all you needed to do was focus on One Intention? 


Yup, just one! 

I don’t like Jan 1st – it’s a weird made-up day that means nothing to me and I sure as hell don’t buy into this new year, new you bullshit.


Every millisecond you have an opportunity to be a new you… shedding old cells and making new ones. You are never the “same you.” I’ll explore why I celebrate a new energetic year on Chinese New Year in my next blog.

So back to business… One Intention Ritual! 🔽

What is it?

I honestly forget the backstory but all I know is that you set intentions on the Winter/ Summer Solstice because it’s energetically one of the most powerful days of the year and you start the ritual on another energetically charged day (Christmas).


Then, the goal is to leave you with One Intention that you focus on for the year. 


It is simple, fun and of course a mindfulness practice. Even my partner and friends join me every year, maybe you can get someone to join you!?

What is the Solstice?

The Winter/ Summer Solstice occurs twice a year between Dec 21-23 and June 20-23. The day of the solstice is when the sun’s path in the sky is either farthest north or south from the equator. A day when there is the most sunlight of the year (summer solstice) or the least sunlight of the year (winter solstice).

❄️ December = Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere /  June = Summer Solstice

☀️ December = Summer Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere / June = Winter Solstice  

The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol ("sun") and sistere ("to stand still"), because at the solstices, the Sun appears to "stand still"; that is, the Sun pauses before reversing direction. Hence its energetic power.

What you’ll need

  1. Pen

  2. 13 pieces of small paper (post-it notes will do)

  3. Lighter

  4. Safe Bowl to burn things in

Extra – Sage, tea lights, crystals etc. you can get as woo-woo as you want! 

How to do it

December 22 – The Solstice

📝 Intention Setting


  1. Write down 13 different intentions that you have or would like to create for the year on each bit of paper.  

  2. Fold the pieces of paper up evenly so you can’t see the writing or be able to differentiate.

  3. Keep them in a safe space (maybe on your alter).


December 25 – Christmas Day 

🔥 The Release


  1. Get your safe burn bowl and lighter ready!

  2. Take one intention (each day) without opening it.

  3. LIGHT that Intention UP! Let it b-u-r-n.

  4. (While burning)….Say to yourself or out loud “Universe, I am handing this intention over to you, I let go and trust that you will take care of this. All I need to do is focus on my one intention. Thank you for the support.” 

  5. Do this 12 times (don’t burn the last piece of paper, you will need this for later).

Extras  – Burn sage or palo santos before/after for cleansing, use crystals, light a tea light for each intention, change what you say or how you say it..make it your own! 


January 6 – One Intention 

💌 Reveal day 


Open up the last ONE intention that wasn’t burned! This is your ONE Intention for the new year.

Focus on it, leave the rest up to the universe!


You got this!


Final thoughts 

So, let’s recap. Here is what you need to do: 

  1. Set 13 intentions on Dec 22 (Solstice) 

  2. Start releasing on Dec 25 (Christmas) 

  3. Finish on January 6,2024 (it’s like a second Christmas!)

I might be quiet on socials over the holidays but I’ll be back on the 6th to share my One Intention and I would love for you to share yours with me! 


What if I forget to burn multiple intentions?

No worries, you are human! You can burn multiple intentions together if you forget! 

What if I get the dates all mixed up? 

Nobody is perfect, do your best and forget the rest! 

What if I don’t like my One Intention?

The universe works in mysterious ways, my friend

Should I write down these 13 intentions to reflect on at the end of the year so I remember them?

Personally, I don’t do this because the point of the practice is to surrender, trust and let go of needing to be in control of everything. I’m all about reflection for empowerment. So, if it helps you with end-of-year reflections…absolutely… go for it!