Signs and causes of Nervous System Dysregulation

What is Nervous System Dysregulation?

Nervous system dysregulation is when the body is too much in a hyperarousal or hypoarousal state and not enough in homeostasis. In layman's terms, it means your body is more stressed than relaxed. It's kind of hard to explain because a lot of dysregulation is unconscious and difficult to experience. 

Lost already? Read my BLOG >>> What is the Nervous System?

When you live in a society that screams: Be more, do more, work more, earn more, exercise more, look better, be better, be stronger, be faster, eat this way, no eat that way, do this type of therapy, no do this therapy…’s no surprise that we have a severe Nervous System Dysregulation problem. 

Hustle culture is an exhausting, impossible and unrealistic lifestyle but don’t confuse working hard with the hustle culture. You have to work hard throughout life even when it comes to regulating the nervous system but the hustle culture is when you approach life with a sense of stress, urgency, unsustainability and inconsistency This leads to the number one cause of nervous dysregulation…CHRONIC STRESS! (Duh!)

Read more about >>> Nervous System Regulation in my last BLOG. 

Nervous system dysregulation is caused by (but not limited to): 

  • Chronic Stress

  • Trauma (Physical and Emotional) 

  • ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) 

  • Constant exposure to technology 

  • Poor Diet

  • Inadequate Sleep

  • Lack of exercise 

  • Too much exercise

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol 

  • Exposure to Toxins

  • Nutrient deficiencies 

  • Genetic predisposition

  • Certain health conditions 

I’m more in the business of PREVENTION than cure. So I’m here to help you get IN front of dysregulation. 

When your body has a niggle, do you listen in? Do you take note of what your body is trying to tell you? 

Most people don’t pay attention until sadly it’s a big health concern (sickness, injury, dis-ease) because they are forced. 

PAIN, in my world, is internal wisdom saying 
Pain - Attention - Inward - Now.

Your body is always sending you messages through pains, soreness, colds, sleeplessness, anxiety, constipation/diarrhea, inflammation, skin issues, fatigue..etc. This is your body saying “Hey, can you slow down and pay attention to me,whatever you are doing isn’t working, we need to change directions and this is how I’m showing you.”

If you can pay attention to your body when it gives you signs, you will be able to regulate much more effectively, leading to more resilience and the ability to widen your window of tolerance.

11 Signs of Nervous System dysregulation

  • Abnormal breathing

Shortness of breath, chesty, shallow breathing, hyperventilation. Inability to engage in diaphragmatic breathing. (Check out my IG post on this)

  • Hypervigilance & Mood swings

Constantly overwhelmed or on edge (even when things are okay). Difficulty relaxing or calming the mind. Constant worrying and future planning. Frequently reactive, irritable, easily triggered or snappy. Can be difficult to control the way you react. Small things can set you off. This can negatively affect your relationships and how you see yourself. 

  • Heightened sensitivity to stimuli (external and internal)

More than likely you are a “highly sensitive person” (like me) or more sensitive to stimuli. (External) Large crowds, loud noises, clutter, certain smells and temperatures can be triggering and affect your mood easily. (Internal) Highly sensitive to other’s emotions. 

  • Thrill-seeking behavior, Workaholism, Toxic Relationships 

Engaging in intense experiences that constantly push your physical, emotional or mental faculties to the limit.

  • Anxiety / High-functioning anxiety 

Extreme worry about things ahead of time. Working long hours and making sure you don’t make an error. Perfectionist. An intense fear of letting people down. Impossibly high standards that even when reached, don’t leave you feeling satisfied. People-pleasing tendencies or toxic positivity. 

  • Sleep Issues 

Trouble falling/ staying asleep, waking at night with fearful thoughts and or exhausted during the day.

  • Skin and Digestive Issues 

Skin inflammation and IBS. Increased gas, bloating, cramps, pains and reflux or lead to intolerances and allergies.  

  • Immune and Hormonal Dysfunction

Low immunity, feeling run down often, and increased premenstrual symptoms.*if severe could lead to autoimmune diseases. 

  • Extreme cravings and appetite changes 

Craving sweet, sugary, salty, fatty or carby foods often and appetite constantly going up and down.

  • Chronic attention and concentration problems

Low energy, sluggish, unmotivated, disconnected from surroundings, trouble focusing, losing your thoughts or things often, not feeling sharp. *if severe could lead to ADHD

  • Chronic Pain and Illness

Constant pain, body aches or soreness that won't go away even when you’re eating well and exercising. Flare-ups without any apparent cause or trigger. 

How to regulate your nervous system 

Nervous system regulation is not about being calm all the time or never having stress. It’s about building resilience (through awareness) so you are not overwhelmed when there is a change in your environment like a stressful situation but you can adapt.


It is not something you do for a couple of months, check it off your list and move on. Regulation is the way you live, the way you think, the way you feel, the way you eat, the way you move, the way you breathe -it’s a way of life.

A regulated nervous system is crucial for optimal health but you can’t think your way to regulation, it’s an embodied practice that has to be done consistently.

My four-step process for Nervous System Regulation is:  

1.     Mind-body practices for calming/ releasing stress

2.     Creating safety in relationships and environments

3.     Self-regulation 

4.     Widening your window of tolerance

If you have trouble noticing when you are regulated or dysregulated ask yourself these two questions:

  1. I feel uncomfortable /unsafe when ___________

  2. I feel comfortable/ safe when _____________

Final thoughts 

Many of us are walking around with dysregulated nervous systems completely unaware or at least I was for 30 years! I hope that this new awareness of the causes and signs of dysregulation doesn’t scare you but motivates you to start implementing consistent NS regulation practices in your life.

Causes of NS dysregulation: Chronic Stress, trauma (Physical and Emotional); Adult Childhood Experiences; constant exposure to technology; poor diet; inadequate sleep; lack of exercise; caffeine; alcohol; exposure to toxins; nutrient deficiencies; genetic predisposition and certain health conditions. 

Signs of NS dysregulation: Abnormal breathing, hypervigilance & mood swings, heightened sensitivity to stimuli, thrill-seeking behaviour, workaholism, toxic relationships, anxiety / high-functioning anxiety, sleep, skin and gut issues, immunity and hormonal dysfunction, extreme cravings and appetite changes, chronic attention and concentration problems, and chronic pain and illness.

Just because you may have the causes or signs above doesn’t mean you are doomed. Doesn’t mean you are broken. Self-regulation is always available when you make self-awareness your superpower!

Want more info on the Nervous System…
Check out my two Blogs & free Webinar below



The Ultimate Manifesting Tip


How do you regulate the nervous system