4 reasons why I wrote my memoir
Throughout the world, about 1.1 million runners FINISH (keyword…finish) a marathon each year. That equates to approximately 0.01% of the global population.
On Valentine’s Day, 7 years ago I ran the Los Angeles Marathon – not because I like to run…quite the opposite. I had never run more than a mile prior to training but I was feeling particularly motivated that year.
Looking back, I know it was because I felt love like I never felt before and it inspired me to do crazy things…like run a marathon!
There’s another thing that 80% of the entire population say they want to do but only 2-3% of people are actually crazy enough to do it. Can you guess what it is? Surprise, surprise, it's FINISH writing a book (keyword...finish).
This Valentine’s Day, I’m giving full credit again to love for not only helping me FINISH my book but granting me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
⚠️ Spoiler Alert: Trust the Flames, is still under construction and will not be released today as planned BUUUUT I'm hoping to release it by next week (the perks of self-publishing 🤓).
Love is behind every reason I wanted to write this book and this week I want to share with you those reasons.
1. Because I wanted to
I don’t read fiction (never have, never will) but I have always loved memoirs and for whatever reason, I have ALWAYS wanted to write my own. I’d say it’s been a dream of mine for at least 15 years (maybe more). I knew I would do it one day but I didn’t know “how” or “when” and I wasn’t even sure I would share it with the world. So here I am just chasing another dream!
2. Therapy/ Healing
I wrote this book first and foremost for ME (not for anyone else). I knew by writing this book I would have to go through a lot of processing of things that were buried deep down inside that I wasn’t quite ready to talk about. I had to face many demons and have very uncomfortable conversations with myself and others (and will be doing more after its release). There is no growth or learning without failure and uncomfortableness. The healing work never ends but it is massively rewarding.
Before writing this book, I could never keep a journal or write every day. It never stuck. NOW it’s a non-negotiable like meditation, drinking enough water, and stretching. My body NEEDS to write every day. Writing has helped me strengthen two of the MOST important muscles in my body – the attention muscle in the brain (staying present) & vulnerability muscle in the heart (staying honest). Above all, writing helps me stay on top of my emotional hygiene. Through writing, I am able to express my emotions more authentically, therefore, upgrading my emotional intelligence and deepening all my relationships.
3. Connection
This could be my favorite thing in the world. Whether that’s connecting with myself or humanity. Writing this book has certainly made me feel more connected and through my vulnerability, I hope that I can offer more connection to the reader as well.
4. Inspiration
As a wellness practitioner, you can only take people as far as you’ve come and this book will show the reader exactly that. If I can INSPIRE just one person to:
💓Choose courage over comfort (especially when it doesn’t make rational sense)
💓 Tune in
💓 Notice the interconnectedness of the world
💓 Go a little bit slower
💓 Feel less ashamed
💓 Create stuff just to create stuff
💓 Not do things out of obligation or guilt
💓 Drop attachments/expectations
💓 Be more vulnerable
💓 Take more risks
💓 Cultivate real self-compassion
💓 Travel
💓 Put one foot in front of the other like one big adventure
💓 Transmute their anger
💓 Release resentment
💓 Understand themselves better
💓 Judge less
💓 Live with intention
💓 Practice mindfulness
💓 Take up yoga/meditation
💓 Explore holistic remedies
💓 Listen to yourself (instead of society)
💓 Lead with the heart instead of the head
💓 Have FUN
💓 Dream bigger
💓 Know that it IS possible to heal from BIG T and little t!
then…..I’ve done exactly what I set out for!
Trust the Flames: My Wild Ride from Mindlessness to Mindfulness WILL BE AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK Feb 20!!! (Fingers crossed)