When to take action & when to sit back

Somebody came to me the other day 
with an overwhelming feeling like they needed to take action 
but didn't know if it was anxiety or if there was really something 

She said, "It's a tormenting confusion...
do I take action or
do I take time for reflection and let things unfold naturally?"

I said, the answer is BOTH 
Life is a dance between making it happen 
and letting it happen

Example: If you wanted to eat more healthy and get fit 
But you eat unhealthy and don't exercise, you can't expect life to
magically unfold health and well-being 

Reflection allows you to get clear on what you want
and then from there you take aligned action
letting go of any outcome

It's a dance that we don't always get right
This dance is different for everyone 
and every situation is different as well

But just like any dance routine, 
it becomes easier and more natural with practice
Taking risks, stepping back, doing things differently, letting go 

Nobody can dance YOUR dance for you
Only you can learn to trust yourself and 
only you can have faith in your own decision making process 

Yoda says:  "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

When we are confused whether or not to take action
it's usually because we are afraid of something
we might lose or miss out on (FOMO)
The wise Yoda understands how attachments clutter our mind
and how paralysing it can be  
when we are so afraid to lose things

Whether that's respect, money, an opportunity or material stuff
Humans don't love to lose 
But the less FOMO the more FUN-O

Maybe the question becomes more about
what am I willing to lose?
or what am I willing to let go of?

Remember just because you let go of something
it does NOT mean you care less
nor does it make you passive 

It means you accept the REALity 
of what you can and can not control 
You do your best and forget the rest! 

A fun little experiment: Find something you're attached to
that doesn't serve a purpose and
try giving it away or selling it! 

Since COVID, I have literally been faced with my biggest fears of lose:
my career path, my income, a loved one, my lovely home, my vacation,
seeing my family and recently my wonderful washing machine 

Letting go can be hard and nobody said it was fun
but you realise what's most important and that's freedom!
I'd love to hear your experiences and fears of lose since COVID


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