Why We Fear Our Light More Than Our Dark?
Our brain was not meant to make us happy but to make us survive so it is always looking out for “danger.”
But why do we believe more in our darkness than our light? Why do we say “What’s the worst that could happen!?” instead of “What’s the best that could happen!?” and if you did say the latter you’d probably be looked at as “cheesy or too positive.”
Most of the time, our darkness (the negative aspects of ourselves and the world) is more comfortable and accepted to talk about, just watch the news! Our light (those really positive awesome happy go lucky loving aspects of ourselves and the world) on the other hand can be scary and a bit more difficult to maintain for many reasons but I’ve jotted some down:
If we actually believed and did everything we really wanted in our “wildest dreams,” it would require A LOT more effort, time, energy, resources and money that we don’t want to put in because of that INCREASE chance of “FAILURE.”
With our chances of failure increased we are more fearful of letting ourselves and more importantly others down (even when we say we don’t and shouldn’t, let’s be honest…we DO!).
We are afraid if we say we will do x, y, and z and become / be x, y, z or accomplish x, y, z..but we DON’T (aka “fail”), up comes the fear of everyone judging us and being “that person” who said they were…but didn’t. God forbid!
Last but certainly not least, the fear of looking cocky, arrogant, full of ourselves, egotistical or not realistic if we continue to lean into the light or go for what we really dream & desire. (Which we all know is bullshit btw – because the people who matter, don’t mind and the people who mind, don’t matter!)
The underlining factor in all of these…
(F.E.A.R) False. Evidence. Appearing. Real
Now, I’m not knocking FEAR, I do know we need it in order to survive and thrive, buuuuuut there’s the fear that keeps you alive and the fear that keeps you from living.
Misery loves company and unfortunately when you are looking for it, it’s not hard to find. Again, just listen to the news! But, I personally believe that there IS more light than dark out there and the light is so much stronger.
I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself a naturally “optimistic” person but more “realistic” and realistically you can train your brain to work FOR you not AGAINST you by the power of positive thought, speech and action combined. Sing me up for that!
“All the darkness in the world can’t extinguish the light from a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi